Lisp Interpreter: Episode 3 (The Finally!)

Tue 18 November 2014

Let me start off by apologizing for the delay. I've been hesitant to write this post for several reasons, including:

  1. Presenting and explaining my entire lisp interpreter is a BIG (and therefore daunting) task.
  2. There are parts of my code that I'm not entirely satisfied with and I may refactor these parts in the future. For this reason, I've been debating waiting until I finish refacturing to write this post.
  3. The parts of my code that I'm unsatisfied with are pretty ugly and are a pain to read. Which leads me to the next point...
  4. Will anyone actually read this?

I have decided to go ahead and write this blog post anyway. Even if no one reads it, I think that I'll benefit from writing it. As far as the ugly bits go, I'm trying to not let 'perfect' be the enemy of 'good enough'. This project is far from perfect but that OK. I worked hard on it, it works, I learned lots during the process, and those are the things that matter most. Besides, I've gotten really excited this week about some other projects, so it could be a while before I get back to refacturing the interpreter.

OK. Lets get started. Here are the first ten lines of code:

from __future__ import division
from termcolor import colored
from sys import exit

# ------ GlOBAL LISTS ------
symbol = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '<', '>','<=', '=','>=', 'abs', 'list', 'if', 'not',
            'set!', 'begin', 'let', 'define', 'lambda', 'quote']
special = ['set!', 'begin', 'let', 'define', 'lambda', 'cond', 'quote', 'if',     
            'list', 'map', 'cons', 'car', 'cdr']

The first 3 lines just specify any functions I'll be using from built in libraries. Next, two important global lists are introduced. The list, 'symbol', specifies strings that have a special meaning and will therefore be treated differently from other strings of characters. The list 'special' is a list of all of the built in Scheme functions which disrupt the flow of the interpretation. All functions, including addition, subtraction, etc. will be treated in the same way. But our interpreter will treat these 'special' functions differently.

Next, we introduce my class of exceptions and some instances of that class:

# ------ EXCEPTIONS ------
class MyError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg

if_error = MyError("Error: you need to specify by a consequence and an alternate.")
dict_error = MyError("Error: can't find element in dictionary. Improper input.")
first_error = MyError('Error: unexpectedly entered parse function with no input.')
too_many = MyError("Error: too many arguments were inputed.")
quote_error = MyError('Error: quote only takes one operand.')
let_error = MyError('Error: let must be followed by a list.')

Then, we start doing some of the gritty work: tokenizing and parsing. I have implemented both my tokenizer and my parser as functions. When we call them, the output of the tokenizer will be fed as input to my parser. Here is my tokenizer:

# ------ TOKENIZE ------- 
def tokenizer(holder):
    holder = '(' + holder + ')'
    holder = holder.replace( '(' , ' ( ' )
    holder = holder.replace( ')', ' ) ' )
    final = filter(lambda a: a != '', holder.split(' '))
    return final

The tokenizer takes my user's raw input - something like (+ 2 2). It begins by putting extra braces around the entire thing. It then adds space around all the braces before splitting the input into an array where each element is a separate token. The input splits over spaces, which is why it was necessary to add extra space around the braces. far so good, but why did I begin by adding extra braces?! Seems kind of wierd, right?

The reason for this seemingly cooky choice was to accomodate inputs like the following: (define x 3) x. This is a valid Scheme expression which evaluates to 3. Suppose that I do not add extra brackets around the entire statement. Then, when I go to actually interpret the input, it becomes difficult to know when the end of the user input has been reached. In fact, I did NOT initially add these extra brackets in my tokenization, but my interpreter evaluated (define x 3) x to be None instead of 3. It simply stopped evaluating after (define x 3). Knowing when the end of the user input has been reached, however, is quite easy if we have an outter set of brackets enclosing everything. Of course, adding extra brackets came with its own set of issues. I needed to make sure that my interpreter could differentiate between expressions like (3) and 3. Although '3' is a valid Scheme expression, (3) is not, and I was essentially changing my input to always look like (3). Thanks to Mary Cook, I came up with a pretty clever solution to this issue, which we will come accross later.

Continuing on... the parser! Writing this parser was my first encouter with recursion! Here's the code:

# ---- PARSER ----- 
def parse(tokens):
    if len(tokens) == 0:
        raise first_error

    token = tokens[0]
    tokens = tokens[1:]

    if token == '(':
        parsed_input = [] 

        while tokens[0] != ')':
            to_append, tokens = parse(tokens)
        tokens = tokens[1:]                 # pops off the ')' part

        #we add a condition to check if last return
        if len(tokens) > 0:
            return parsed_input, tokens     # if not last return, return current version of holder
        elif len(tokens) == 0 :
            return parsed_input             # if last return, only return new_holder            
        return check_type(token), tokens

To better understand this function, lets look at how parse(['(', '(', +, '1', '1', ')', ')']) would be processed, line by line. Line 3 is not satisfied, so we skip to line 6 and 7. Here Token will be set to '(', tokens will become [ '(', '+', '1', '1', ')', ')']. Since the condition on line 9 is satisfied, we then enter this branch and continue on with line 10 where parsed_input is initialized as an empty list. Then we enter the while loop on line 12, and in line 13 we recurse back into our parse function by calling parse(tokens).

Now in the second level of our parse function. In this level we execute line 6 and 7 again, setting token as '(', and tokens to ['+', '1', '1',')', ')']. Since token is still '(', line 10 will again be executed, creating another parsed_input list, and then diving into our 3rd level of recursion on parse.

In this 3rd level, token is '+' and tokens is ['1', '1', ')', ')']. Since token is not '(' we skip down to the else condition and execute line 23. Since we have yet to define the function check_type, just pretend that this line returns token and tokens. Having returned those values, we come out of the 3rd layer of recursion and back into the 2nd, at line 13. Here, to_append is set to '+', and tokens is ['1', '1', ')', ')']. Line 14 is then executed, and parsed_input becomes ['+']. We continue looping through this while loop, going into a 3rd layer of recursion, coming back into two, and appending parsed_input until parsed_input looks like ['+', '1', '1'] in our second layer of recursion. At this point the tokens[0] will be ')', so we break out of the while loop. Line 15 remouves ')' from tokens, leaving tokens as [')']. Then since the length of tokens is positive line 19 is executed.

Now we exit the second layer of recursion and are back into the first parse call. to_append becomes ['+', '1', '1'], and tokens is [')']. The original parsed_input is updated to [['+', '1', '1']], the while loop ends, and line 15 is executed, changing tokens to []. Since the len(tokens) is zero line 20 is executed and parsed_input is the final return. We have exited all levels of the parse function, effectively parsing the input!

This blog post will be continued... I have written enough for one day.

Category: Blog