Adventures with sockets, threads and more!

Tue 11 November 2014

For a while now I've wanted to learn more about the internet, about servers, and about how web apps really work. Last week I finished a small flaks tutorial. I enjoyed the tutorial and I learned some cool things by doing it, yet, I was feeling unsatisfied. The tutorial just didn't hit the spot for me. I wasn't really sure what I was after, but I knew it was something deeper. Yesterday I discovered sockets, and it was dead on!

This blog post is going to be a (not so) little write up of some things I've learned as I digging around in the world of sockets and other networky type things. I'll start with a few questions I was thinking about yesterday. I'll provide what I think are some decent and mostly true answers to these questions. (Of course, if you find something in this post that is just outright wrong, please do reach out to correct me!). Then I'll introduce some code Susan and I wrote to make a simple web chat service using sockets. Finally, a second round of questions and answers will be presented. Enjoy!


What's a socket?

This is a question I've spent a great deal of time trying to answer. Here's the answer I've settled on: A socket is some sort of abstract object like that of a "file" on your computer. We could say that the object type "socket" is built into the operating system of our computer and allows users (or programs) to create instances of them at will. Sockets are used as the endpoints of any bidirectional communication channel. The socket contains the FROM IP address, the TO IP address, the FROM port number, and the TO port number.1 We can think about the function of sockets to be like plugging chords into walls on the two ends of your communcation channel.

How does my computer communicate with my router?

The short answer: via radio signals. Modern computers come with a built in wireless adapter which translates data from your computer into radio waves. These radio waves can then be sent out into the world and picked up by a router. Communication can occur in the other direction as well: The router can send radio waves to a comptuer and the computer will translate those waves into 0s and 1s so that it can understand the message. One thing that I found interesting is that my computer is always listening to the router. Sometimes my computer will hear messages that aren't even addressed to it, in which case it won't accept these messages. So there's a difference between "listening" and "accepting" messages from the router. We'll come back to this!

Can older computers connect to the internet?

It depends. If your computer has the necessary internet handling software but is simply lacking a translater, then yes. The modem, afterall, is simply a translator. It takes signals (probably passed to it through your phone line) and transforms these messages into 0s and 1s that your computer can understand. But, this only makes your computer internet ready if you're operating system can create sockets, and can understand and work with internet protocols. Otherwise, extra software would have to be implimented and I'm not exactly sure if this can always be done.


To learn more about sockets Susan and I implimented a chat service between our two computers using sockets. I wrote the code for the "server", and she wrote the code for the "client". If I ran 'server' on my computer and then she ran 'client' on hers, we were able to chat back and forth in our terminals! Anything I wrote in my terminal would be sent to hers the moment I pressed enter. Likewise, messages she typed in her terminal would be sent to mine when she pressed enter. It was like a real world chat service! Here's our code:

###SERVER (On Leta's Computer)
import socket 
import threading

serversocket = socket.socket()

#host = socket.gethostname()

port = 9999

serversocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

serversocket.bind(("", port))

# queue up to 5 requests:

clientsocket, addr = serversocket.accept()

def listen(connection):
    while True:
        msg = clientsocket.recv(1000)
        if not msg:
            print 'friend says', msg

def write(connection):
    while True:
        message = raw_input('')
        clientsocket.send('HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n\n')

t = threading.Thread(target = write, args = [clientsocket])
r = threading.Thread(target = listen, args = [clientsocket])

#CLIENT (on Susan's computer)import socket
import sys
import threading

def server():
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    HOST= ''
    SOCKET_LIST = []
    RECV_BUFFER = 4096
    PORT = 9999

    server_addr = ("", PORT)
    print >>sys.stderr, 'connecting to %s port %s' % server_addr

        t=threading.Thread(target=send, args=[sock])
        print "hi!!!! TESTING!!"
        while True:
            data = sock.recv(RECV_BUFFER)
            print >>sys.stderr, 'Leta says: %s' % data

        print >>sys.stderr, 'closing socket'


What is happening when I write "socket.listen"?

As mentioned earlier, your computer is constantly "listening" to messages from your router. But its not necessarily ACCEPTING them. Calling socket.listen() tells your computer to actively start accepting messages that are addressed to the socket. So, as soon as my computer sees some message addressed to a socket which has been told to listen, the socket will send back a message saying something like, "OK, I am willing to receive your message". And then the message will be sent and received. (At least I think thats kind of how it goes.)

What is TCP? What is IP? Are they related?

TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocoll. IP stands for Internet Protocol. Both are "protcols" in the sense that they outline the standards by which machines are supposed to communicate with each other. To see how they differ, lets walk through how Susan's and my computer are dealing with our 'chat server'. Suppose I send the message "hello" to Susan. When I send this message to Susan the string "hello" will be wrappred with extra data necessary to satisfy TCP. Once this mesage satisfies TCP it can be sent to my operating system, which will look at it, realize that data needs to be sent out in the world, and will package the data with yet another layer so it adheres to IP. This message is then translated to radio waves to be sent to the router. Upon receiving my message the router will pass the package to Susan's computer. When Susan's computer receives the package it translates the data back into 0s and 1s and then begins unpacking it. Her operating system will take off the outtermost layer of packaging: that associated with IP. Her computer will find that the contents of this package adhere to TCP. Susan's computer will make sure that TCP is followed. Since TCP is a protocol which ensures that messages are sent in order, this means that within the TCP packaging Susan's computer might find some data that says "Hey! I'm packet number 13 sent from Leta's computer to yours. Have you gotten package 1 through 12 already? You can't open me up until you've received all the ones that come before." And her computer will respond saying something like "Yes, I have gotten all the messages that come before, so I can now open you up". Susan's computer will then pass the package to the application (the chat service) which will unpack the data to find the message I sent: "hello".

I know this is pretty confusing. I'm still wrestling with these concepts myself. Lets recap: On the senders side, the package gets wrapped with all sorts of layers and then this package gets passed around, and on the receivers side, the package gets unpacked layer by layer. Each layer is associated with another protocol. Underneath the IP packaging, data can be sent adhering to TCP or adhering to other protocols. Indeed, TCP is not the only one. As I mentioned above, TCP is a protocol that ensures that data is sent in a particular order, and it ensures that a response be sent back to the sender to communicate if/when the data was received. Another protocol is UDP: User Datagram Protocol. It does not ensure that delivery has occured and does not ensure that messages are delivered in order. We're not going to get into why UDP might be used over TCP, but the point I wanted to make was that IP can encapsulate many different types of messages. TCP is just the one that happened to be used in the chat server Susan and I implimented.

What is a thread?

Have you ever heard the term "multi-threaded programming" and wondered what the heck people were talking about? If so, read on! Consider a chat server where I could type a message to Susan, and then I couldn't type one again until I had her response. That would kind of suck, wouldn't it? So what this means is that in a good chat service, my server can be waiting for me (the user) to input a message, and can simultaneously be listening for any incoming messages from Susan. The key here is that we want our program to be doing two things simultaneously. Looking at the code for Server, above, we see that what I want is for the function "write" and the function "listen" to be running concurrently. And the way I implemented this was through threads. Each thread refers to a different task that we want to be carried out, and threading is the process of running them simultaneously. Conclusion: Threading rocks!

Are sockets being used when I use my browser to visit a webpage?

YES! Often multiple sockets are used to transfer the information of one a single webpage to your computer. Generally speaking, each HTTP request has its own socket that it connects with. This socket will close as soon as the request has been made and received. Some web pages have 100s of GET or POST (or other) HTTP requests. This means that 100s of sockets will be created, opened, and closed on my computer in the short time it takes to load the webpage in my browser. I have been told that this is actually starting to change. I don't know very mucha about this, but I think HTTP is starting to allow a single socket to handle more than one HTTP requests.

  1. A Port is just this idea that we've implimented on our computers so that we can have several things going on on one computer. Its kind of like apartments on an apartment building. If we have to have several separate things going on at different addresses within the same machine, ports is the way we've done that.  

Category: Blog Tagged: Web Threading